Triathlon is a demanding sporting discipline that combines three distinct activities in one continuous event: swimming, cycling and running. Event distances can vary, from shorter distances such as the sprint, to Olympic distances and beyond, such as the half-Ironman and Ironman, which represent extremely physical challenges.



The competition generally begins with swimming, followed immediately by cycling, and ends with running. Transitions between each discipline, known as T1 transitions (swimming to cycling) and T2 transitions (cycling to running), are also built into the event, meaning that athletes must not only be proficient in each discipline, but also be able to switch efficiently between them.

Triathlon requires a high level of fitness, endurance and the ability to manage rapid transitions between disciplines. It attracts athletes of all levels, from beginners to professionals, and offers a dynamic, inclusive community where participants set personal goals and support each other in achieving them.
In addition to the fundamental aspects of triathlon, here are a few additional points to know:
- Rules and regulations: Triathlon is governed by specific rules concerning distances, authorized equipment, penalties, etc. It is important for participants to familiarize themselves with these rules to avoid disqualifications and penalties.
- Specific training: Due to the varied nature of triathlon, athletes must follow a specific training program that covers swimming, cycling and running. This may include cross-training sessions to develop strength, endurance and technique in each discipline.
- Equipment: Participants need the appropriate equipment for each discipline, including a swimsuit for swimming, a bike and helmet for cycling, and running shoes for running. In addition, accessories such as swimming goggles, specialized cycling shoes and GPS watches can also be useful.
- Nutrition and hydration: Due to the intensity and duration of the event, adequate nutrition and hydration are essential to maintain performance and avoid exhaustion. Athletes must plan their nutrition and hydration before, during and after the race.
- Race strategy: Athletes need to develop a race strategy that takes into account their strengths and weaknesses in each discipline, as well as race conditions such as weather, terrain and competition. This may include tactics such as energy conservation, pace management and transition planning.
By understanding these additional aspects, participants can better prepare for and enjoy the triathlon experience.